Africa Conference on Deafness

Empowering Silence:

Strengthening Policy, Technology and Collaboration for Inclusion of the Deaf.

27th - 29th November
Nairobi Kenya


Africa Conference on
Deafness 2024

The Africa Conference on Deafness seeks to bring together over 500 stakeholders in the deaf empowerment ecosystem to share on the status of the rights of deaf children and those of hearing impairments and the progress made by countries across Africa in the areas of education,culture,arts and sign language, while at the same time benchmarking on the advanced societies in the world.

ACD 2024 is designed to gather persons with hearing impairment, service providers, caregivers, professionals, policy makers and scholars to share their knowledge and experience, in order to increase collaboration and cooperation towards the development and betterment of the deaf in Africa.

The conference will seek to review specific challenges faced by the deaf and the mitigations in place to improve their quality of life and also reduce the occurence of hearing impairment and permanent deafness.

The conference seeks to promote awareness on deafness and will also discuss how technology and innovation can help improve the quality of life for the deaf child and scale the deaf community  support

Conference Brief



The Kenya Society for Deaf Children (KSDC) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization commited to the rights, needs, and interests of children with deafness and hearing loss, specifically regard to their Education, Health, and Social Welfare. Since establishment in 1958, the society has been at the forefront in assisting such children develop to their maximum potential, a key enabler to active and productive participation in the community.

In conducting its mission, KSDC works with key stakeholders including the Government, development partners, caregivers and general public towards assuring that the deaf child is well taken care of at home, at school and within the community

Conference Objectives

  • Take stock of the continent's initiatives towards empowering the deaf child while noting the challenges and successess

  • To discuss strategies for strengthening support systems of the deaf community

  • To discuss appropriate local and regional policy and legislative frameworks for supporting the deaf

  • To discuss frameworks for scaling sign language in the community

  • To discuss on how technology and innovation can scale deaf community support and uplift their quality of life

  • To create networking and collaboration opportunities

Conference Focus Areas

The conference will focus on the following areas

  1. A review of the Policy and regulation space on the Deaf child
  2. Technology, Innovation and Capacity Development
  3. International Sign language: scaling the conversation
  4. Scaling Support for the deaf community initiatives
  5. Higher Education and employment for the Deaf

Conference Format

The conference will comprise of, namely:

  1. Pre-Conference Dialogues
  2. Conference
    • Keynote Presentations
    • Side Events
    • Expert panel discussions
    • Exhibition
  3. Post-Conference Dialogues

Who Should Participate?

This premier event will bring together over 500 participants from across Africa who play a role across the deaf community ecosystem ranging from associations, agencies on matters education, health, children welfare, policy makers in government, Development partners, private sector actors, manufucturers and dealers in diagnostic and assistive technology, academia and healthcare providers.

Also expected at the conference will be over 50 industry exhibitors both from the public and private sector. Some people expected to show are among :

  • The Deaf Community
  • The International, Regional and Kenyan associations on deafness
  • The Manufacturing companies for hearing solutions
  • The Government Ministries for Education, Health, and Social Protection
  • The Development Partners
  • The Students
  • The Financing solution providers
  • The Hospitals
  • The Private Doctors
  • The Academic Institutions advancing special education courses


Become a Sponsor

We are excited to offer various opportunities for your company or organization to participate in the event. We have different sponsorship tiers available, allowing you to increase your company or organization's visibility among the disability and commercial sector. Being a partner provides your organization the opportunity to be part of the conversation, showcase your thoughts and solutions geared toward empowering the deaf community to a vast audience, meet potential partners and make key contributions on matters policy in this exciting conference.

Become an Exhibitor

ACD 2024 will bring together over 500 decision makers across the region on matters deafness. Also expected to attend will be a wide variety of beneficiaries, both in the public and private sector and other actors. We also anticipate over 5000 attendants to the exhibition area which is part of the conference.

Sponsorship Packages

Benefits of the Sponsorship Package Platinum
USD 20,000
USD 15,000
USD 5,000
Side Events
USD 1,000
USD 500
Co-branding in all promotional material x x x
Online advertising on the ACD and KSDC websites x x x x x
Visibility of logo on social media promotion x x x x x
Preconference engagements with 3 consumer sectors x
Preconference engagements with 1 consumer sector x
Media representation before and during the event x x x x x
Free exhibition space x x x x
Preferred location in the exhibition premises x x x x
Sponsor banners to be displayed at the conference x x x x
Opportunity for keynote remarks at conference x x
Opportunity to host side event during conference x x
Opportunity to provide give-aways during the conference x x x x x
Profile of company in the Expo catalogue x x x x x

Contact Us

For Further Information, Please contact
The Africa Deaf Conference Secretariat
Kenya Society for Deaf Children.

  • +254 020 6000731 / +254 720 475475 / +254 020 6007752
  • 8th Floor Nachu Plaza, Kiambere Road Upper Hill
  • Post Office Box Number 42306 - 00100

Register Now


Thank you for reaching out to us and for your interest in participating in the ACD 2024. We are excited to offer various opportunities for your participation in the ACD 2024. Please fill the form.

Are you a Kenyan Citizen?

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Become a Partner


Thank you for reaching out to us and for your interest in participating in the ACD 2024. We are excited to offer various opportunities for your participation in the ACD 2024.

We have different sponsorship tiers available, allowing you to increase your company or organization’s visibility among the deaf community stakeholders.

Choose your prefered payment method